Cross Site ID and Data Usage in Private Auction

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Here we see multiple generations of cookie addicts learning to love Vanilla - iSac, ChatGPT, March 2024.


Let's go through a demo of Bidding and Auction features in a Private Auction, in particular looking at the ability for advertisers to bid using their own data...

Jump to the test if you like.



As always visit the Chrome Setup for instructions on making this works for you.


The main thing we want to demonstrate here is the ability, even in Vanilla Fledge, for information from multiple sites to participate in an auction on an unrelated site despite the lack of browser provided link. While Fledge does not replace 3PC with either identity or data, it does give the means to activate identity and/or data in a Private Auction held on device.

Test Setup

We have a few ad tech entities we'll work with here:

As well as a few brands we'll interact with:

A couple of additional notes:

Steps Overview

The overall idea is that we'll enter some Sports and Literature preferences while on page with the two brands, preferences which we won't have direct access to when we visit our News site; despite not having a direct browser supported link like a 3PC, or even a graph based link via some PII or probabalistic match, we will still see an ad on the News Site based on those preferences.


  1. Clear State: first click here to setup a clean test. The handler will open new tabs that execute various cleaning functions, listed below and available for the paranoid/curious/unwilling-to-allow-pop-ups-from-this-site (right side of browser bar likely will give you the option to allow all, I'll try not to abuse your trust):
    1. Clears any data previously attached in the PST DSP Data Store for this demo.
    2. Clears client side state, including Local/Session Storage, Cookies, IndexedDb, and IGs, stored for: PST Sports Brand, PST Literature Brand, PST News Publisher, PST DSP, and PST SSP.
    View code:
  2. Sports Brand, Preferences: First we visit Sports Advertiser, a sports related site. We are presented with a choice of our favorite sport. When we make our selection:
    1. Code from will be used to validate and store that value locally for future use (i.e. repopulating the form).
    2. Then code from PST DSP will be used to onboard your sport preference for use in advertising targeting by:
      1. Grabbing the VANILLABAAB_PARTITIONED_CHIP partitioned for the partition using the get-chip endpoint.
      2. Creating an entry for the sports preference attached to that ID in the DSP's data store.
      3. Creating an Interest Group:
        1. Owned by but with a name scoped to pst-advertiser-sports.
        2. VANILLABAAB_PARTITIONED_CHIP in the trustedBiddingSignalsKeys.
        3. A bidding function that will return the appropriate sport image if the auction it is participating in indicates some preference for sports.
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  3. Literature Brand, Chrome Web Site Login: next we visit Literature Advertiser's Login Page where we login using our "username". The "login" code is owned by the Literature Advertiser, and once the "login" is complete it leverages code loaded from RampedUp (here represented by to create the RampedUp Envelope and IDby:
    1. Matching the email to a RampedUpID.
    2. Encoding that ID as a RampedUp Envelope.
    3. Storing both the Envelope and ID in Local Storage for later use in the Sports Advertiser's website.
    4. Leverage PST DSPs RampedUp integration to onboard the user for later targeting in Private Auctions.
    View Code:
  4. Literature Brand, E-Reader Preferences, Chrome...BROKEN: Now we go to visit the E-Reader in Chrome but since it's designed for mobile it doesn't work, sad! Instead we'll have to use the E-Reader in our "mobile app".
  5. Literature Brand, E-Reader Preferences, "Mobile App": So now lets login to the E-Reader "Mobile App" by opening Firefox and logging in at ``, followed by visiting the preferences page at `` so the E-Reader can know what books we like. When we make our selection
    1. Literature Brand E-Reader code will validate and store that value locally for future use (i.e. repopulating the form).
    2. Then the Literature E-Reader will use PST DSP's integration with RampedUp to onboard your book preference across devices and channels:
      1. Grabbing the RampedUpID from local storage using the RampedUp JS APIs.
      2. Creating an entry for the sports preference attached to that ID in the DSP's data store.
      3. That's it! Note no additional IG is, or even can be created, as we're in FF - the IG from our login on the Literature Brand's site from the previous step is enough.
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  6. News Publisher: Now we will visit our News Publishers site where we will visit pages that indicate different interest based on their context:
    1. Need move auction code to ssp file, lives in pub atm
    2. First we visit a sports related page. News Publisher encodes information in the Auction Config indicating that this is a sports related page, which inform the bidding functions of any advertisers participating in the auction. In this case Sports Advertiser bids very high because of the page context, and shows an ad specific to the preference you entered in step 1.
    3. Next we visit an article about a new book. News Publisher encodes information in the Auction Config indicating that this is a books related page. This informs the bidding functions of any advertisers participating in the auction, and so Literature Advertiser bids enough to win; we again see an ad related to preferences entered on another site, despite the lack of a linking identifier in News Publisher's space.
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