Success Case

Here the code is identical to the failure case except that the biddingLogicUrl and scoreads url points to the actual static files.

            const myGroup = {
              'owner': '',
              'name': 'womens-running-shoes',
              'biddingLogicUrl': '',
              'ads': [{renderUrl: ''}],
              'trustedBiddingSignalsURL':  '',
              'trustedBiddingSignalsKeys': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
              'lifetimeMs': 3600
            const joinPromise = navigator.joinAdInterestGroup(myGroup);
            const myAuctionConfig = {
                'seller': '',
                'decisionLogicURL': '',
                'interestGroupBuyers': [''],
                'auctionSignals': {'a': 'lkj'},
                'trustedScoringSignalsURL': ''
            const result = await navigator.runAdAuction(myAuctionConfig);

You can open console in dev tools and should see logs from bidding and scoring functions.


One thing I don't quite get: if you open the link to come here the logs from bidding/scoring don't show up, but once you refresh they do. I don't know why this is.
However, an opaque urn should show up no matter what, different from the failure case.