Joining with Delegation File with Bad Values

Here we try to create an IG in the origin from the www subdomain, where directive gets replaced with badTrue, badJson, blankResponse, badStatus, and badMimeType. The server side delegation service code is set up to extract the DIRECTIVE and return a slightly different delegation file based on it:

The joins fail as expected; what I'm not sure how to do is debug this, given no "issues" or console logs show up (see image below or your own console log if you're looking at this).

Client Side Code

Client side code will simply try to join an IG owned by one of the "bad sumdomains".

        window.onload = async function() {
            const originTemplate = '';
            ["badTrue", "badJson", "blankResponse", "badStatus", "badmimetype"].forEach(indicator => {
                var origin = originTemplate;
                origin = origin.replace('REPLACEME', indicator);

Well Known Delegation Logic

The delegation file returned will depend on the directive extracted

                function finalizeDelegationResponse(host, val, reply) {
                  let optionValue = extractDelegationDirective(host);
                  let fullResponseDirectives = {"blankresponse": "", "badjson": '{"grrr"'};
                  let modifyValDirectives = {"intone": '1', "stringone": '"1"', 'stringtrue': '"true"', 'badtrue': 'true_missplld'};
                  var fullResponse = null;
                  if (optionValue !== null) {
                    console.log("got value " + optionValue); 
                    if (optionValue in fullResponseDirectives) {
                      fullResponse = fullResponseDirectives[optionValue];
                    } else if (optionValue in modifyValDirectives) {
                      val = modifyValDirectives[optionValue];
                    } else if (optionValue == 'badstatus') {
                      console.log('setting bad status');
                    } else if (optionValue == 'badmimetype') {
                      console.log('setting bad mime type');
                  if (fullResponse === null) {
                    fullResponse = '{"joinAdInterestGroup": ' + val + ', "leaveAdInterestGroup": ' + val + '}';
                  return fullResponse;
                function extractDelegationDirective(host) {
                  let match = host.match(/delegation-option-([^.]+)\.privacy-sandbox-testing-one\.com/);
                  let optionValue = match ? match[1] : null;
                  return optionValue;

Expected Result

You should see roughly the following in dev tools.

Not visible in the page (from what I can tell) is the response, here is a shot of what was logged on a run in node: