Interest Groups and Same Origin: Static File CDN Loading


One of the constraints with PS is the same-origin requirements, in which many attributes of an Interest Group or an auction must be same origin. It's important to note that same origin testing includes subdomains, so that something like and are not same origin. This is enforced at the time of joining an IG, but also at runtime as redirects are rejected.

Many of the implications of this are benign enough, and ultimately expected/reasonable things to do or iterate on nuances with Chrome. However, one key challenge this brings is that both static file endpoints, like bidding and decision logic JS files, as well as service endpoints like trustedBiddingSignalsURL and updateUrl, must be same origin. This effectively removes, or to be technically precise significantly adds to the cost and risk of, using CDNs for static file hosting:

See also Fledge Github 813: relaxing the same-origin policy to allow for subdomains .


So here we try a few different flavors of different sub-domains for the bidding logic.

You can see the JS executing this here.

Conclusion: the same origin test works as expected.