Auction Running with URLs with Same Site But Different Origin

Here we verify that the browser will error if you attempt to run an auction with a different origin for decisionLogicURL than for the seller.

Conclusion: indeed, we cannot.

Client Code

            const myGroup = {
              'owner': '',
              'name': 'womens-running-shoes',
              'biddingLogicUrl': '', // function(hiddenIGStuff) { return bids; }
              'ads': [{renderUrl: ''}],
              'trustedBiddingSignalsURL': '', // adnxs target is 
              'trustedBiddingSignalsKeys': ['TennisLover', 'Federer4Ever'],
              'lifetimeMs': 3600
            await navigator.joinAdInterestGroup(myGroup);
            const myAuctionConfig = {
                'seller': '',
                'decisionLogicURL':  '',
                'interestGroupBuyers': [''],
                'auctionSignals': {'a': 'lkj'},
                'trustedScoringSignalsURL': ''
            const result = await navigator.runAdAuction(myAuctionConfig);


You can see the result for the current page load in the console; expected result image is below.