Generate requests to IB-KV

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Here we see cookies trying to self-debug - iSac, ChatGPT, April 5, 2024.

Generate IB KV Call

Use this to generate a request to the IB KV endpoint of your choosing, with IG name and KV keys as you specify below. Detail below.

How to Use This

Bit of a WIP but figured this can help us with the KV endpoint and generateBid testing. Idea is you enter the IB endpoint you want to hit, i.e. or 5972.ib.adnxs.etc, and then enter 1 IG per line with the name and keys (trustedBiddingSignalsKeys), and then

  1. An onload handler will:
    1. Create 1 IG per line, owned by
    2. Name and keys as specified...
    3. The KV url as, in effect,
    4. (Note the actual URL will be
  2. The server side code will then take the entire query string, so what is created by the Fledge framework in the KV request, and forward to https://IB_ORIGIN_YOU_ENTERED/ib/pa/kv?QUERY_STRING_FROM_FLEDGE_REQUEST.
    1. (No it's not doing any real validation).

So for instance, entering for the IB Origin and:

for the IGs will result in:,b,c%0D,d%0D,e,f&interestGroupNames=one,three,two