Hello WASM Bidding with ORTBish Stuff

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Here we see a cookie addict bidding on supply with whatever he has available. - iSac, ChatGPT, April 15, 2024.

Bidding Using WASM

Very basic R&D in getting this to work, meaning do simple things like:

Ideally I'd just link to some repo but since my setup here is optimized for somethings and not others that's not entirely easy...so for now I'm just syncing files here that I'm linking.



Fledge Code

C "Bidding" Code

The C code I'm emscripten compiling:

Emscripten Command

emcc wasm_helper.c imp_request.c bid_candidate.c cJSON-master/cJSON.c --bind -s MODULARIZE=1 -sEXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=ccall -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=_getBids -s WASM=1 -sENVIRONMENT=shell -I./cJSON-master

Expected Console Logs

At time of writing (US Tax Day, 2024):