Testing updateUrl Timeouts

Here we try to see if the updateUrl will timeout after a given number of MS. We do this by passing through a MS to wait to the update script, which knows to read that and wait. The update will result in changing the bidding script to one that chooses the message one oooohh creative to the one that chooses the message two oooohh creative.

If you select a value roughly 29000 MS (29 seconds) or less, you'll see the "Message two" show up below in the live test, indicating the update worked; 30000 (30 seconds) and above you'll see the "Message one", meaning the bidding function did not update.

(Note that I'm fairly sure the timeout is not server side, as I see > 30 seconds succeeding if I just call the update endpoint.

Expected Results

< 29 Seconds --> Update Succeeds

< 30 Seconds --> Update Fails