Verify Rejoin is PUT not PATCH


Here we verify that when join is called for a second time, any fields not set in the object in the second join are not preserved.


Sadly (for ad tech) this is the case.

Test and Results

We join an IG with real bidding logic and ads, run an auction and observe it win below; then we re-join but with only the owner/name/lifetime, re-run the auction and observe a null value below.

Client side JS is here. Bidding JS is here.

Live Test Results

IG Action Sequence from Dev Tools

If you load this page while watching the Dev Tools --> Application --> Storage --> Interest Groups panel, you can see the IG join the first time, bid, and then win, followed by the "limited rejoin" and load for the second auction, but then no second bid (or win) because it no longer has any bidding js, signals, etc (you can see the expected sequence and verification of the IG state in the image below).