Verify Rejoin is PUT not PATCH Even from Different Join Domain


Here we do a more realistic scenario to verify that when join is called for a second time in a different domain, any fields not set in the object in the second join are not preserved.


Sadly (for ad tech) this is the case.


JS code is linked to on the relevant pages.
  1. First we visit the advertisers page where we join the IG with full configuration.
  2. We then verify the IG is correctly configured by going to the publishers page where an auction is won, and we see the winning creative from the IGs bid.
  3. Now we visit the second advertiser page which for some reason is misconfigured and rejoins the IG with enough attributes to join but without all the attributes necessary to bid.
  4. Finally we head back to the publisher page where the auction is run again and we see a null result, indicating no bid.

Expected Results

Advertiser Good Join

Publisher Page: Auction Result Post Good Join

Winning creative is the actual creative.

Advertiser BAD Join

Publisher Page: Auction Result Post Bad Join

Creative is now empty.