Redirects on Calls to updateUrl

Here we test whether the browser will follow a redirect when calling the updateUrl.


The update with redirect fails.


We join a simple IG, with two creatives registered, one that will pass query param message=one, one that will pass message=two. The "creative render endpoint" will return html with the message as passed. We also initially join with the bidding function bidding-m1.js described below, but the updateUrl is different the first and second time.

There are two bidding functions, bidding-m1.js will hard code a response for message=one, bidding-m2.js returns the message=two response.

We have two update URLs: one, update-ig-redirected, which returns the actual update to update the bidding function to bidding-m2, and update-url which redirects to update-ig-redirected.

If the update succeeds after we use the FOT function updateAdInterestGroups to force the update, when we run an auction the message=two variant should bid and win; if it does not succeed message=one from the initial join will bid and win.


With a few "busyWait"s to let the IG join (probably) finish (and deal with async non-sense I don't care to debug right now), we run the test and append results below.

The first loop points at the update-ig-redirected updater, which simply returns the values; we see the fetch call returns the update as expected and the message=two variant wins, indicating the IG was successfully updated.

update-url-redirected (should succeed)

update-url (expected to not succeed)