Auction Timing

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Here we see a race between friends. - iSac, ChatGPT, May 11, 2024.

Auction Timing

Here, we try to get a sense of private auction timing. My best guess is that auction timing will be impacted by:

You can select various options here to control the test, although not all variables above are currently accounted for. It will result
in a GET back to this page with query parameters, and you can see the code in the page head in dev tools, html inspection, etc.

Currently all IGs are in the same origin, and are cleared before adding new ones. The
auction is in the same domain. Timing measurements are done using for start and end and subtracting for duration.

Client side code is here.

Enter your settings here; the table below should show you the parameters used, and then the auction timings will be appended when done.

Execution Mode
Use Buyer KV Calls
Use Seller KV Calls
Use Cache Controlled 5 Minutes Bidding JS File
Use Cache Controlled 5 Minutes Scoring JS File