Usage of deprecatedReplaceInURN for subdomain macros

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Here we see numerous privacy professors teaching their class about how to do string replacement. - iSac, ChatGPT, April 21, 2024.

deprecatedReplaceInURN Usage for Macros in Subomain


Here we demonstrate usage of deprecatedReplaceInURN for replacing the domain target of a creative.

Chrome is in the process of making the availability and documentation of deprecatedReplaceInURN more official, but it will be around until 2026 as discussed here.


I haven't gotten back to Chrome yet on getting my attestation down, so for now see here.


We declare one Interest Group with a macro using the ${macro} format, have the bidding function always return the one macro'ized URL, and see if both the join works and the replacement works and results in a call to the render the "creative", which in this case is just some server returned HTML that says the full url, including swapped domain, that was called..

See Me Work!!!

Choose the subdomain you want the creative rendered from.

The JS doing the replacement is here.
The server serving the "creative" is here.

Implications and Constraints

Similar as here.