CDN Sheparded Creative Rendering

This is likely mostly obviated by availability of deprecatedReplaceInURN till 2026.
Update: changed from likely to mostly, as there are kind of two ideas inherent here:
  1. Using nested iframes to pass information from the publisher page into the rendering frame.
  2. Having a known, open source, etc, thing that two ad techs can inspect and "trust" the behavior of, i.e. trust that a vast notify will be applied or a native styling styled.
(1) is, I'm fairly sure, completely obviated by deprecatedReplaceInURN; but (2) isn't necessarily. There could be value in having a trusted, open source, etc, script which both the buyer and seller can "trust" to handle both of their rendering needs that require "trusted cooperation" as desribed.


One of the designed challenges in PAAPI auctions and rendering is being able to inject publisher information into the rendering environment. This impacts features such as native and video rendering, the ability to use postMessage securely, the ability to communicate directly with the publisher for verification, various macro and pixel renderings, brand safety.

Jump straight to demo.

Please note this demo is still under construction see the notice above.

Challenges with Initial Solutions

There are some happy path possibilities for this communication which get challenging. They are explored here.


We'd like a way to pass non-identifying information back and forth between the DSPs iframe and the publisher and SSPs frame, to maintain functionality listed above while the ecosystem adjusts to the changes in a more fundamental way. A good solution must:

Ideally it would also:



For our setup we have:

The user (you!) will visit an advertiser page where the DSP will drop an IG for later targeting using tech from; following that a visit is made (by you!) to a publisher page where code loaded from the SSP domain runs auctions. The goal is to demonstrate the ability to get information available in the publisher context, such as auction and tag IDs, into the rendering frame, meeting all of the musts from above and as many of the ideallys as we can.

Note that the cdn is but we'll refer to here for ease of reading.


Let's give it a try:

  1. Setup: First we clear logs to start with a clean slate (no tricks!).

  2. Advertiser Page: We visit an advertisers product page which loads its DSPs data gathering tech, and an IG is created owned by All renderUrls are of the form, where
    • is known in advance
    • actualRenderUrl will be used later for loading a URL from the DSP.
    • dsp is the origin of the DSP, or more accurately it's render frame origin
    • See DSPs IG code here.
    • See advertiser code invoking the DSP code here.

  3. Publisher Page-Auctions: Next we visit the publishers page where the pub's SSP has code loaded from, which finds any slots on page configured for an auction with the "injectadshere" label (name). For the purposes of the demo we skip the contextual auction, and instead only run a Private Auction occurs for each slot, inviting to the auction.
    • The SSP auction code is "step 3: auction running", here.
    • The publisher page code that invokes the SSP code is here.

  4. Publisher Page-Bootstrap Winner: The Private Bid wins and SSP tech on page creates an iframe pointing at The Known CDN Bootstrapper on, with src of the form, where the AuctionResult is the opaque URN'ified renderUrl from the winning private bid, ContextualInfo represents information from the publisher context.
    • See "step 4: bootstrapping" here.

  5. Publisher Page-CDN Bootstrapper: Browser loads the which contains JS to: Take the AuctionResult, which is the opaqueURN representation of the winning bids renderUrl, which we know is the render-url script from the CDN, and creates an iframe with that as its src
    • Bootstrapper HTML is here, bootstrapper JS is here.

  6. Publisher Page-CDN Renderer: The browser loads the opaqueURN iframe. The render-url script loads, and JS executing in it can grab query params from it's own frame (including actualRenderUrl) and the parent frame (due to the same origin) including all that publisher page info:
    1. Pulls the ContextualInfo from the parent frame (/render-bootstrapper)
    2. Pulls the origin of the top level page from the parent frame.
    3. Pulls the actualRenderUrl from its frame, adds on the contextual info and TLD as query params and then creates an iframe with that as the src.
    • render-url html is here, render-url JS that does the manipulation is here.

  7. Publisher Page-Advertisers Creative: The "actualTargetUrl" iframe presumably loads from the DSPs own servers and does what it needs to do with the contextual info for rendering and reporting.

  8. Verify: We can check the report_win_log and report_result_log to verify they were invoked properly.