Post Click Conversions on Private Auction Wins

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4
Here we see a satisfied customer with numerous purchases, connected by ads, without the aid of third party cookies. - iSac, ChatGPT, April 12, 2024.

Post Click Conversions on Private Wins

Expected Test Results

Verify No Logs to Start

Publisher Page Renders Ad

Here I'm hovering over the image, note the click URL in the bottom of the browser.

Verify 1 Imp Log 0 Pixel Logs

There should be one imp log due to the render, no pixel logs

Advertiser Landing Page

Now I come to the landing page:

Still 1 Imp Log 0 Pixel Logs

Importantly, despite hitting the landing page with the AuctionTarget info, we verify no pixel logs.

Hit Advertiser Conversion Page, verify no pixels

Here i hit the conversion page, and verify still no pixels (no button click yet).

Convert, Verify Imp and Pixel Log, with Auction/Conversion Info, Joinable by Auction ID

Now, after clicking the button, I have my pixel log.